*This post is about how little tweaks of decor can help with creating a comfortable home.
When creating a comfortable home, the term comfortable will certainly mean something different for everyone. There are so many different styles of decor and depending on where you live in the country or even world, its clear that the variations are great. Your home should be your safe haven. It should be the place that actually takes the stress of the day away. Ideally your home should not be a place that adds additional weight to your day or life. Our goal here is creating a comfortable home.
I for one believe that comfort begins with being able to breathe a sigh of relief when you walk into your home. A quote that I will never forget came from the Oprah Winfrey show many years ago. She said something like ‘when you get home your house should rise up to greet you’. That resonated with me so much as I was sitting in a house that never even acknowledged our existence.
Keep It Simple
I did however carry that quote with me forever and share it even today with others who often feel like their homes are a never ending job. I can say though, my house has been a never ending job. At the time I used to overdose on HGTV and wanted more of a project than a ready made space. That decision has resulted in a lot of fun and a lot of work because it’s still not finished. However, throughout the process, I learned that creating a comfortable home can be achieved in the most simplest ways. Even if you don’t have the budget to do a complete home overhaul as was our case, adding little elements that make you smile make a world of difference.
1.) Flowers
Take flowers for example, I absolutely love them. Peonies, roses, dahlias, hydrangeas; the scents the colors just scream joy to me. I prefer real flowers but I can also appreciate artificial ones if the season calls for it. Real flowers can be rather pricey to have on a regular basis so being able to improvise to create a comfortable home to your visual liking is essential. And if flowers are not your thing try a plant! The options and variations are endless.
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Neutral Pieces
2. Fresh neutral staple pieces
Neutral staple pieces such as books and vases are another way of creating a comfortable home and feel a bit more streamlined. Having a variety of mismatched woods, or hodge podge decorative items can make a space feel busier than it should. And if you feel out of sorts when you’re entering your rooms that can very well be the reason why. It might feel like stuff is just all over the place, simply because there is no rhyme or reason and you’re not taking the time to curate meaningful pieces.
A Comfortable Place to Land
The business of the day can surely exhaust you. And there’s a great chance that many of you, like myself are in a constant state of trying to make the home feel less chaotic, or like a hurricane came barreling through. If you have kids you know what I mean. One may say it’s just living. Your house looks ‘lived in’. I wonder if that’s supposed to truly mean something, because the way I see it ‘lived in’ can look ‘less than’. Now I know that kids make messes and it’s not easy keeping everything put away and wiped down…but then again, WHY NOT??! Must it always be a thing? When trying to create a comfortable home, are we as average humans doomed to always live in a state of mess? Ok, maybe not quite mess but disarray. I pride myself on doing away with clutter and all things not being utilized. I donate on a regular basis, yet my surfaces still seem to fill up. It’s like items are secretly multiplying. It is possible however to find comfort. You just have to be intentional and take it step by step.
3.) Comfortable seating
Whether you prefer an old fashioned recliner, a bean bag or just a cozy chair in the corner of a room, it’s nice having the perfect seat to nestle into. In the midst of trying to manage life, the family, and your own self care, don’t forget that small changes can offer you a bit of hope that you’re well on your way to creating a comfortable home.
This Post Was All About Creating a Comfortable Home
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