*Vision Boards, I have so many thoughts about these. To do or not to do? That is the question.
I recall a time in my life when the thought of a vision board made me feel quite motivated. This was literally years ago…probably when vision boards first came out. When was that?? I don’t know but I’m sure it was that first day…or not. I can say that vision boards did not require a computer to create. You needed poster board and magazine cut outs; oh, and glue and tape.
Creating them on the computer was not a thing back then, you hung them on your wall. I feel like I’ve been seeing vision boards all over the place lately, I guess because we are in a new year and people tend to feel new, refreshed and ready. I love the idea of seeing all of the images of what people aspire to do. Whether they are magazine cutouts or a perfectly manicured Canva created mood board, the pictures look great and idyllic! Unfortunately life doesn’t always look so shiny.
I do believe in striving for what you want, setting goals and having faith that they will come to pass. I also believe that you have to take the steps to make the vision move. And maybe asking for what you want or writing it down will cause one to be more actionable. I do have to wonder though, don’t you naturally have to be an actionable person for anything to happen?
Vision Board Power
Another thought, exactly how unattainable are the things that you put on these boards? Are we putting things on them that are actually quite doable? And we’ve just procrastinated because in all actuality ‘we’re fine really, everything’s fine’? Or, are we adding things that are just a bit too far-fetched? And you’re too exhausted to try? Is the purpose to get you excited because you’ve been told that all you must do is believe and it will be manifested?
I think vision boards give off a wow factor energy. You’re looking at things that are not flawed, you’ve attached pretty images, and they wow you. Now, if you’ve added an image of a clean an organized home that “wows’ you because you can’t seem to keep up with your own home; wouldn’t that time have been better spent taking a few steps to just clean and organize your home? That is not an unattainable feat. Surprise!! You can actually do that.

Or maybe you want a relationship. You add an image of a man, or even kids. But are you joining dating apps, getting your friends to set your up, praying about it? Or are you just continuing with your same old routine, staying in the house looking at the picture and hoping he comes to life? I can easily see how comfort level might make you resistant from implementing the necessary actions. You may not know how to get what is on your vision board because it requires you to step out of your comfort zone. Yet, you wish it would just manifest. Unfortunately manifestation is not an actionable move.
Vision Board Versus Reality
I believe in speaking life into things, but also know that I have to live out the vision versus just putting it on a vision board. I wonder how many people have wasted their time. How many have realized that this board of dreams and ideas didn’t in fact change who they naturally were. They could still be a lazy, procrastinator, and hardly motivated person. Someone who just looks at the shiny board wishing they’d just come to pass. It’s so easy to get sucked in to the vision board mentality because you just want things to be right! fixed! and ideal!
But is a vision board even necessary? For some it just might be imperative, exactly what makes them move. I however, think that if you simply remove the things you don’t like that are within your power from your life and add in the things that are attainable you’re already making reasonable progress. Are vision boards created because people just need a spot to coalesce all of their goals? I guess that’s not a bad idea. I haven’t looked it up but there’s probably a vision board app that makes goal setting a little more exciting. Maybe vision boards are simply there to give hope, who knows?
Now, I’m not against vision boards. I’m sure that there are many people who fancy up their boards and just go out there and strive for all the things. And then there are those uninitiated people like myself who on occasion talk about what I think I want, yet not take actionable steps to live the vision. For example, my board would be things that I wish I had automatically. Let me elaborate. For example, I might have images of the best outfits for a particular season, or a look that I wish I could pull off. The problem with that is I don’t like to shop, so I’m honestly not even going to go and try to make it happen. Yet I like how nice it looks on my board of ‘if I could just snap my fingers’.
Another example, makeup. I have never been a girl who loves makeup. I don’t have the interest or energy, yet, I would have that on my board because I always say “I wish I was one of those girls who love to put in the effort.” And that is true! I admire women that look great in pictures because they know how to pull off the perfect look, and here I am beside them looking dull and washed out.
So clearly, my vision board isn’t going to turn me into this shopper to style myself with the looks and makeup that look so great on the board.
That’s what I claim to want, but I have zero interest in executing it because it’s just not my thing. I’ve surprisingly purchased makeup with the hope of changing my ways but I still don’t take the actionable steps to apply it on a regular basis. So my vision board would reflect what I wish I had a natural interest in doing, but it will not manifest, unless it manifests in a way that somehow allows me to have a personal shopper and makeup team.
Vision Boards Can Equal Distraction From Action

If you have a vision or a dream, it’s important to stop scrolling nonstop through other peoples perfect Pinterest and ideal Instagram lives and instead do something. You won’t get anything you want with wishful thinking and nonstop admiration of other peoples posts. One first step can result in change. I’ve heard several people say they’d love to travel around the world but they haven’t even attained a passport. So do they really want that? Or is it just nice to say? Is it a strong desire to travel or just a peaceful thought that makes you smile? I bet that person would put images of beautiful places on their vision board. And they will forever remain posted pictures of places other people take the steps to go.
I am not against vision boards, I just want to encourage you to not let it just end with pictures on a board; actually show up for your life. I understand how vision boards draw people in, they’re pretty, they’re manicured, they’re images of people actually doing the thing! And most important, THEY ARE NOT SCARY. Creating the vision board is the easiest part. There’s inspiration and elation in the creation of it but paralyzing fear at times in the execution. That fear can quite easily lead to discouragement.
Depending on where you are in your life, a vision board might make sense. If you’re just graduating from high school, or finishing college and ready to conquer the world; go full throttle and create that vision board and be the master of your universe! On the other hand, if you’ve already been living a little bit, and life has been doing the overwhelming and exhausting things that life loves to do, my non professional advice is: Remain prayerful to stay in alignment with God, and just take the very next step in front of you. You probably know what you want and the steps needed to get you there. Don’t focus too far ahead and drown in what feels unattainable, just focus on step #1 and recognize that first step as a small win. Next, step #2!! And hopefully visualizing that makes you feel a little more inspired.
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